“American Horror Story” creator Ryan Murphy and “Freak Show” cast members John Caroll Lynch, Sarah Paulson, and Emma Roberts tease fans about their characters on the show


John Caroll Lynch will be playing Twisty the Clown in the upcoming installment of the FX's horror drama "American Horror Story: Freak Show." Recently, series creator Ryan Murphy revealed that Twisty will be more than just a villain on the show, he said that he and the writers want the character to be "the most terrifying clown of all time."

In an interview with Buzzfeed, Murphy said, "I'm worried about people being too afraid of our clown."

"It's heart-stopping what he does. ... The clown's intro in the first episode is ... Even I was terrified of it. It's brutal. ... I think he's pretty extraordinary because, when you see why he's a clown and why he's wearing the mask ... just you wait," he added.

Lynch stands 6-foot-3, making his character extra creepy. However, the actor said that the evil clown's appearance is just the tip of the iceberg.

"His actions are horrific, but his motives are really strangely, oddly pure. And that's what is most human and most disturbing about it," Lynch said.

"As an actor, I've given up judgment of evil, as long as it's human evil -- we have to see ourselves for what we really are, and we're capable of horrific things. I don't intend to advocate for the horrific characters, but I hope they reflect humanity at its most vicious because we need to really look at ourselves and see it."

Meanwhile, Sarah Paulson recently dished out details about her character, conjoined twins, Bette and Dot.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the actress said, "One has more darkness in her, but not darkness of evil --- darkness of depression, of knowing what's out in the world. The other one is more of an innocent. It's innocent and more cynical."

"There is something that happens in the very first episode that's crazy, that sets the scene for the rest of the season for them," Paulson teased.

Moreover, Emma Roberts previously said that the "American Horror Story's" upcoming season is really scary. "I have to say, "Freak Show" is really scary...I read the script and I was having nightmares, she told E! News.

"American Horror Story: Freak Show" premieres on FX on Oct. 8 at 10 p.m.

American Horror Story: Freak Show, Sarah Paulson, Emma Roberts, Ryan Murphy

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