The 'Real Housewives' are Going to Jail: Joe Giudice Receives 41 Month Prison Sentence, Teresa Giudice Gets 15 Months


We've been waiting for months to see just what kinds of prison sentences would be facing Teresa and Joe Giudice, of "The Real Housewives of New Jersey."

Now, we know. Thanks to The Wall Street Journal, it has been revealed that Joe Giudice will serve 41 months in prison, and Teresa will serve 15. According to their sources, Teresa had appealed to the court, claiming that her four children at home meant she should serve less jail time. Initially, Giudice had assumed this tactic would get her out of any jail time, and while that didn't work, it certainly got her less than her husband.

The court also agreed that, because of their children, they could serve staggered sentences- meaning, Teresa will go to jail first, and once she's out Joe will serve his time.
Us Weekly, meanwhile, has a letter that Joe Giudice read to the court during his sentencing. The letter reads:

"I stand here humiliated before the court and my family and society," said Giudice. "I disgraced many people, including my wife and four daughters. I take full responsibility for my actions. I promise to be a better person."

As well, Forbes has a statement from Teresa Giudice:

"Today, I took responsibility for a series of mistakes I made several years ago. I have said throughout that I respect the legal process and thus I intend to address the Court directly at sentencing. I will describe the choices I made, continue to take responsibility for my decisions, and express my remorse to Judge Salas and the public. I am heartbroken that this is affecting my family-especially my four young daughters, who mean more to me than anything in the world. Beyond this, I do not intend to speak specifically about the case outside of court, at the recommendation of my attorney and out of deference to the Government and our legal system."

Hopefully this won't be the last we hear of the Giudices- there's always the chance for a "The Real Housewives of Federal Prison" TV Special.

Check back soon for the latest news on Joe and Teresa Giudice.

Teresa giudice, Teresa Giudice Sentencing Update, Teresa Giudice Fraud, Teresa Giudice Jail, Joe giudice

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