"Revenge" Season 4 Spoilers: Emily Reunites With A Long-Lost Character, Plus "There Will Be Deaths"


Ever since the season finale of "Revenge's" third season, fans have wanted one thing and one thing only- to see the reunion between Emily and her long-lost father, David Clarke. Clarke was presumed dead- that was the entire point of the show, to avenge his murder- so his sudden reappearance was a huge twist.

And in the upcoming fourth episode of "Revenge's" fourth season, we may finally get these two characters face to face. That's what Fashion Times is saying- they claim that the next episode of "Revenge" will feature a scene where Emily is asked to point out a criminal in a police line-up... only one of the supposed criminals in the line-up is really Emily's father!

That's certainly one way to do a family reunion.

CarterMatt confirms the news, and adds that we may learn about David Clarke's personality and his personal quirks throughout the upcoming season.

Fashion Times also has a quote from "Revenge" executive producer Gretchen Berg, who says just what kind of an influence Emily's father will have on the fourth season.

"The drive of season four will be Emily discovering who Amanda Clarke is and Emily figuring out her new life with her father in it."

Madeleine Stowe, star of "Revenge," was also quoted in Hallels, talking about the upcoming season.

Here's what she had to say.
"There are going to be deaths," said Stowe, later adding, "I wouldn't be surprised if Victoria's one of them."

As well, Stowe said, "I will say that it appears that David and Victoria have some sort of sadomasochist relationship. She has a very demented early background, very tortured and had been used over and over and over again and I think Emily and Victoria are very similar creatures"

Check back soon for the latest news on "Revenge" and its fourth season.

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