Tags: Avengers: Age of Ultron

‘Avengers Infinity Wars’: The Wrath Of Thanos; Will Captain Marvel Replace An Avenger?

Josh Brolin will be bringing the wrath of Thanos to each and every Avenger in the “Avengers Infinity Wars” movie. The sequel will probably lose a core Avenger in the process allowing Captain Marvel to take a vacant spot. With a common enemy in the galaxy and in Earth there is a probability that Marvel will have the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Avengers meet at some point in the sequels.

‘Black Panther’: Clues Of Black Panther In The Age Of Ultron Film; Costume Of Black Panther Revealed

“Black Panther” Easter egg was shown in the “Avengers: Age of Ultron” for those that we’re not able to notice it. For die-hard avenger fans BP will be first featured in “Captain America: Civil War” and will later on have his own solo movie in 2018. That is if things go well as MCU president Kevin Faige will take full control of the company starting this year.

'Jurassic World' Rumbles to Record Setting $204.6 Million Opening

Dinosaurs rule the earth again after "Jurassic World" debuted to a dominant $204.6 million at the domestic box office this weekend.

'Avengers: Infinity Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy' crossover along with 'Doctor Strange' and 'Spider-Man' Likely?

Additional superheroes will help the Avengers save the world from the evil Thanos. Characters like Doctor Strange and Spider-Man will appear in the Avengers: Infinity Wars.The third installment for the 'Avengers' trilogy will be divided in two parts: 'Avengers: Infinity War 1' which will be released on 2018 and the part 2 on 2019.

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While the hype on Avengers: Age of Ultron is still on, the release date and plot for the third film of the franchise is out.
With Marvel’s superheroes back in filming and the cameras are currently rolling, some ‘Captain America: Civil War’ set images that feature Black Panther’s African city of Wakanda have leaked online. Moreover, Cap and Agent Sharon Carter were also spotted filming a spoiler scene! Find out by reading further.
Mark Millar gives hints about the role of Martin Freeman in the “Captain America: Civil War” film. A funeral for a significant character is also going to be seen in the upcoming sequel and speculations point Captain America or Hawkeye as one of those five candidates who would die.
“Black Panther” will be focusing on T’Challa’s origins as a warrior and a son of a tribe leader in Wakanda. The death of his father will pave the way for T’Challa to accept his new responsibility as the Marvel’s new superhero. The movie is part of MCU’s Phase 3 and will hit theaters on 2017.
Quicksilver's fate in 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' seemed pretty certain, but could he feature in more films? Marvel mastermind Kevin Feige talks Aaron Taylor-Johnson's future film appearances.
Actors Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen have been rumored to be hooking up since last week and a new source confirms that the two have been dating for quite a time now. The source said that the two have started to date when they filmed the musical movie "I Saw The Light."
After walking out of Channel 4’s interview with Krishnan Guru-Murthy, Robert Downey Jr. finally spoke on what he thought about the interview. Downey Jr. made a comment that Guru-Murthy is a ‘bottom-feeding mucracker.’ Meanwhile, with the absence of ‘Iron Man 4’ on Marvel’s line-up, could there still be a chance that fans could watch the movie sooner?
With a scene at the end of ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ that sparked interest, the third installment of ‘Thor’ entitled ‘Thor 3: Ragnarok’ is gaining more attention as it was rumored feature one of the Infinity Stones floating around the Marvel Cinematic Universe. More villains will also be added in the third sequel, report says.
Fans got disappointed when Josh Trank left the second anthology film of the ‘Star Wars Anthology Series,’ but it looks like they will be even more as Joss Whedon was rumored to be directing the ‘Star Wars: Episode IX’ but somehow, not bearing a truthful basis. The said rumors disseminated earlier this week that Whedon is a ‘sure-fire’ for the film.
Joss Whedon deleted his Twitter account, saying it's already distracting him from being productive. Feminism attacks regarding Age of Utlron movie did not affect him, he said.
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