Let's be real about something- today is Halloween, and if you haven't already got your costume picked out, you're out of luck (or, you're planning on staying home and eating all the candy yourself while children sob on your doorstep- in which case youre very much in luck).
But never fear! This is what the Internet is for. Because sites all over the 'net are putting up lists of the absolute best cheap-and-easy last minute Halloween costumes. And we've got them all right here, for your convenient viewing pleasure.
They've got some solid ideas over at Huffington Post- one, a Where's Waldo costume, requires nothing more than jeans, a red and white striped sweater, a matching hat and a pair of glasses.
Or you could do the '50s housewife- a skirt, an apron, a pair of gloves and a string of pearls are all that's needed there (also, some vintage high heeled shoes wouldn't hurt).
But frankly, all those require multiple items. We need something really simple here.
That's where AL.com comes to the rescue, with some ideas so easy they're absolutely genius. Or, kind of stupid. It's a very fine line.
One idea would be to dress up as a computer error. It's easy! Just write "404 ERROR: COSTUME NOT FOUND" on a piece of white paper and pin it to your shirt.
But if writing an entire sentence is too much (and it can be- we totally understand), go with an even easier costume idea- the celebrity identity theft costume.
AL.com suggests taking a name tag with "Hello! My Name Is" already written on it, then add the name of any celebrity. Stick the name tag on yourself and presto! You've instantly become Beyonce/Benedict Cumberbatch/Honey Boo Boo's Horrible Mother or whoever else you feel like stealing the identity of.
Although IBTimes has one absolutely genius idea- the Shia LaBeouf. Who, as you probably remember, went temporarily insane this year and attended a red carpet event with a brown paper bag over his head, the words "I AM NOT FAMOUS ANYMORE" scribbled on the bag in Sharpie.
Just do the same and you've got instant LaBeouf.
Feel free to share any more of your ridiculous Halloween costume ideas in the comments below.
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