"Nashville" Spoilers - Will Lexington Might Finally Come Out of the Closet, With the Help of a New Man


Will Lexington is one of the most fascinating characters on "Nashville." A closeted gay singer, he's had a ton of struggles with accepting his sexuality (at one point in the past, he nearly stepped in front of a moving train). But now he's quickly becoming a famous country singer, and things are starting to look up.

And now International Business Times reports that upcoming episodes of "Nashville" are going to give Will a lot of room to grow. They're reporting that a new character is joining the series, Kevin Shay- a singer-songwriter who happens to be openly gay.

That'll obviously be of some conflict to will, as Will's still very much in the closet (although will he be coming out this season? Who knows). Will's worried about what the public would think of him if he publically admitted he was gay, but a character like Kevin, who's comfortable being an out celebrity might give Will the courage he needs.

The part of Kevin Shay is still being cast, but Internation Business Times claims he'll most likely be a love interest to Will.

Matt Webb Mitovich at TVLine has a little more info about Kevin Shay's role on "Nashville."

"Will's about to find out that being gay and a popular country music artist don't have to be mutually exclusive. The ABC soap is casting the recurring role of Kevin Shay, an openly gay singer-songwriter who is one of the most successful in all of Nashville. Kevin is described as handsome, tough - a "man's man." Which we think is code for "Will's new man."

As well, The Hollywood Reporter adds that the character of Teddy Conrad will be making a far bigger mark on the show in the second half of its third season.

Check back soon for the latest news on "Nashville" and its third season.

Nashville season 3

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