Why CM Punk Cannot Outsell John Cena’s Merchandise?


Speculations hounded the WWE when CM Punk, despite his popularity, cannot outsell John Cena's merchandise, specifically where shirts were concerned.

Apparently, there has been a mishandling on either party's merchandise, or that WWE handled the situation in Cena's favor. Nevertheless, according to Cageside Seats, in a recent discussion by Court Bauer, Konnan and MSL, there was indeed a control over the WWE merchandise so that Punk will never beat Cena, when it comes to selling their own merchandise. The alleged manipulation of sales started during Punk's reign on the charts.

Allegedly, after WWE noticed that CM Punk is becoming red hot on headlines and his merchandise started to pick up, they decided to launch 3 more designs for John Cena but refuse to add another for Punk. They also started under shipping the CM Punk design and raised Cena's merchandise quantity, making John Cena's merchandise visible all over the place.

Technically, CM Punk's designs will be sold outright because of its limited quantity and the rest who were not able to buy the shirt will have to end up with John Cena's, whose merchandise still fills the shelves. At the end of the day, Cena still made a triple, quadruple sales because of it, according to MSL.

After delivering his pipe bomb promo, CM Punk rose to fame in 2011 and it was definitely his breakout year; however, during the early part of 2014, his fallout from the WWE sent him to join the UFC. His apparent impasse with his former employer made the choice easier for him.

CM Punk's gimmick during his WWE time is that of being so outspoken, sharp tongued and the villain to everyone else. After he ended his career on WWE, he signed a contract with UFC and look forward to make mixed martial arts a career. He plans to debut his first UFC fight in 2015.

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