Android 5.0 Lollipop Update for Galaxy Note 4, Galaxy S4, and HTC One M8 now available


Latest Android Lollipop updates have just started rolling for Galaxy Note 4 users in Germany, and Galaxy S4 AT&T subscribers. Further, an Android 5.0 Lollipop update for HTC One M8 users has started since April 7.

A reader from reportedly said that Samsung had just released a latest Android update for their international version of the Galaxy Note 4. However, the update is not the Android 5.1 Lollipop, but a different build based on Android 5.0.1.

The build reportedly bears a built-in description LRX22C.N910FXXU1BOC3. This build was previously seen in The Netherlands. The tip given to GSMArena is said to have come from Germany, and it is assumed that the build will be available in the whole area in weeks to come.

According to the tipper, the new update will bring overall improvements in stability and fluidity of the user interface. Further, the build reportedly returned the Silent mode feature, which was lost in earlier Samsung Lollipop builds.

Meanwhile, recent reports stated that an Android 5.0.1 Lollipop update for Samsung Galaxy S4 has been released to AT&T subscribers.

In AT&T's software updates page, the latest Android 5.0.1 Lollipop brings the following highlights and changes:

  • Songs, photos, apps, and even recent searches from one Android device can be immediately enjoyed across all of your Android devices.
  • New User Interface look and feel, more fluid motions
  • Priority mode to only allow certain notifications to get through
  • Battery saving features and remaining time left to charge or deplete indicators
  • Smart Lock to secure phone or tablet by pairing it with a trusted device like a wearable or car
  • Most frequently used settings available with just two swipes down from the top screen
  • Removal of Code Scanner, Browser Bar and Softcard apps

An Android 5.0 update for HTC One M8 users has also started last April 7.

This was reportedly announced through the Twitter account of HTC VP of product management Mo Versi.

However, there were reported issues involving the installation of the Android 5.0 Lollipop in the One M8. It included freezing of the device, forced app shutdowns, decreased frame rates, lag, and reduced battery life.

Nevertheless, Tech Times posted practical tips to extend the battery life of HTC One M8 devices.

Galaxy note 4, Galaxy s4, Android 5.0 lollipop, HTC One M8, Germany, Android 5.0.1 lollipop, Twitter, HTC, Samsung, At&t, Android lollipop

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