Mark Rufffalo Responds Once More To The Unending "Planet Hulk" Rumors


Mark Ruffalo has had the titular title of playing the "Hulk" under his belt for two movie outings already. Fans were more than ecstatic when the fourty-seven-year old actor revealed two days ago via IGN his fascination about the "Green Goliath" having his own movie possibly dwelling on the "Planet Hulk" comicbook storyline.

Howerever, every geek's wet-dream turned into a grinding halt as the actor's comment had been taken out of its context. Ruffalo who was in total disbelief after the way his remarks "there's a lot of places to go with him (Hulk)" and "space" made their rounds in the internet and were totally blown out of proportion.

"No. I didn't say anything at all," Ruffalo defended his statement on Speakeasy. "I was asked once if I was going to do a Hulk movie, and I said no. They don't have plans for it because they don't even own the rights to yet, or anymore,".

During that said interview, the Bafta nominee also added that," would be fun to see 'Planet Hulk'...but,no, that's not in the works right now".

Planet Hulk as mentioned was a storyarc that ran in the "Incredible Hulk" issues from April 2006 to June 2007 which also involved an origin story from New Avengers; Illuminati. The comic premise involved Marvel's superheroes agreeing on sending the Hulk to a distant planet before the impending "Civil War" between earth's heroes. However, the Hulk's space ship is inadvertently sucked into a wormhole and he lands on a planet wherein the only means of entertainment for the massess is an "arena of gladiators who battle each other to the death". The Hulk will eventually claim this new planet as his own before exacting revenge on all the heroes who banished him.

In related news, TheVerge had also recently given details on why the Hulk is pounding the life out of Iron Man in the latest video updates from the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron.

The Hulk, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Mark Ruffalo, Marvel Cinematic Universe

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