Sony pulls out PS4 Firmware 2.5.1 download annoucement from website? PS4 exclusive 'Bloodborne' helps boost PS4 in chart


Just after a few days since news of the next Firmware for PS4 was released, Sony Computer Entertainment silently launched Firmware 2.5.1, which would resolve the issues that came with the previous Firware. Then again, Sony's PS4 topped the March video game sales with "Bloodborne."

The announcement was made on the PlayStation website, based on a report from VideoGamer. However, it seemed that SCE had other plans at the moment as it completely removed the announcement as well as any traces of it being mentioned for release earlier. The gaming conglomerate also left no reason for the sudden pull-out of the reported Firmware 2.5.1; it's as if it was never made in the first place. On the other hand, announcement for the Firmware 2.50 update remained posted on the PlayStation website.

Sony Computer Entertainment previously released Firmware 2.50 last March which came out with a lot a features that were based on customer feedback. It also brought about eh "suspend/resume" feature in the next-generation gaming console. However, there had been some comments coming from PS4 gamers that a lot of bugs were experienced upon updating their PS4s with Firmware 2.50. Apart from that, some gamers even report that the "suspend/resume" feature did not always work properly.

Then again, it seemed that PS4 would still be ahead of the competition despite receiving some flak from the earlier released Firmware 2.50 as the tally of the March video game sales were released. Sony's PS4 topped the charts with "Battlefield: Hardline" and its exclusive game "Bloodborne" during last month's video game sales. However, it was revealed that the numbers this March were comparatively lower than those of last year.

NPD analyst Liam Callahan explained the numbers of video game sales this March, based on a report from VentureBeat. Callahan said that "physical software sales decreased by 6 percent from March 2014 as strong growth of [next-generation gaming consoles] helped to partially offset the sharp declines of seventh generation consoles, which were down 52 percent, and physical PC games, down 64 percent . . . a bright light in the portable space was the increase in 3DS software sales of over 20 percent from March 2014." NPD tracked the sales of new games sold by North American retailers.

Sony Computer Entertainment, PS4, Bloodborne

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