Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Update: Reason for lack of Mega Flygon unveiled; Dev remains undecided to game design


Devs remain undecided to game design when the generation 6 game Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire went under heat from fans after Flygon, a Pokémon used by a key character, did not receive a mega evolution. However, developers did not stay silent about the issue and unraveled the root cause of the situation. In addition, they promised that the mega evolution will be coming anytime soon.

In the game, almost all key characters have their Pokémon in the mega evolution state. Though, the same cannot be said for Aarune, the Flygon user. The reason behind this is that developers have not agreed on a design. Although, the plan of including a mega Flygon into the franchise existed ever since Pokémon X and Y and have been postponed repeatedly thereafter.

Nevertheless, despite the current disappointment, at least there is the assurance that mega flygon will make an appearance in the long-running franchise. If not in the generation 6 games, most likely in the generation 7. Yet, having only to work on the Pokémon's appearance, developers are still unable to announce a definite date on when the Pokémon will be unveiled in the game.

Moreover, a series of mega flygon designs have already flocked the internet, clearly showing the hype surrounding the Pokémon. This supposedly makes it easier for the developers since they now only have to choose or at least already have an idea to base the upcoming evolutionary form.

Though, the possibility of copyright issues arising will be possible if developers decide to choose from the internet choices. In the instance that they will take the legal process, it will be longer considering they would need to buy the idea from the independent artist.

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire is already a very famous game in which it regularly receives DLCs. As a consequence, players are always looking for new additions including the mega Flygon form. In the meantime, there is still much content to be enjoyed but players cannot get their minds off the idea of not having a mega Flygon just yet.

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Update, Pokemon omega ruby and alpha sapphire news, Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

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