Tags: Pokemon omega ruby and alpha sapphire news

Pokemon ORAS and XY Update: Fire/Water Type Volcanion Finally Appears

Volcanion's reveal was two years too late to the party due to data miners, but it caused a stir nonetheless.

Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Hoopa Event Details for America, Europe Announced

Game Freak's Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire is surely a popular choice for Pokemon lovers everywhere. Now that another event has been disclosed, gamers are to take down notes on how to get the genie Pokemon from the respective distributors.

'Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire' Update: Pikachu Event Announced; Festive Feud Online Competition Kicks Off December 11

Pokemon fanatics will now again have a chance to acquire an new rare Pokemon, as the Pikachu Event has been announced. Apart from that, a holiday event called Festive Feud Online Competition will be made available come December 11.

'Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire' Zoroark Event Arrives in North America, Introduces Sludge Bomb Move

North America players will be glad knowing that the "Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire" Zoroark event has arrived. From there, they'll see a unique Pokemon move called Sludge Bomb.

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Fans are up for some new challenges, as the Pokemon Company reportedly announced the Scrappy Skirmish Online Competition for "Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire." In addition, the game proves to be a hit as it earns a slot in the BAFTA Kids Vote Shortlist.
Hardcore fans of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire have two special events to excited about this September, Season 12 happening next week and new double battle competition called 'Primal Battle' which will be held on September 25 to 27 where participants will receive a reward of 1,000 PokeMiles
The anticipated movie for Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, titled "Hoopa & The Clash of Ages," has finally debuted in Japan. Viewers who were able to see it may have been treated to a surprise: a new Pokemon.
The official Hoopa distribution for Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and for Pokemon X and Y has finally been announced to take place from July 18 to September 30 this year in Japan and anticipated to happen by fall in North America.
Check out the amazing deals for Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire which involves a discount including 2 other titles, as well as the Dragonite offer later this month; The Nintendo franchise also presents Super Mystery Dungeon.
Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire fans in North America must be thrilled to receive an official announcement from the Pokemon Company and Nintendo that a new Pokemon game will be released Winter 2015. Also, get a $25% off the list price of 5 Nintendo games at online retailer, Best Buy.
Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (Pokemon ORAS) players get a new challenge, a Single Battle Competition, called 'Little Cup' and registration is already ongoing until May 21. The tournament starts May 22 and ends May 24. Also, Nintendo is reportedly working on a new Pokemon game set to release by Fall.
The generation 6 game Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire went under heat from fans after Flygon, a Pokémon used by a key character, did not receive a mega evolution. However, developers did not stay silent about the issue and unraveled the root cause of the situation. In addition, they promised that the mega evolution will be coming anytime soon.
Devs remain undecided to game designThe generation 6 game Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire went under heat from fans after Flygon, a Pokémon used by a key character, did not receive a mega evolution. However, developers did not stay silent about the issue and unraveled the root cause of the situation. In addition, they promised that the mega evolution will be coming anytime soon.
Pokemon fans can now add the Shiny Charizard to their collection of Pokemon by simply attending a distribution event.
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