Could 'X-men: Apocalypse' and 'Wolverine 3' be the End of the Bryan Singer X-men Universe?


Recent rumors and speculations indicate that the upcoming comic book superhero movies 'X-men: Apocalypse' and 'Wolverine 3' could potentially close out the cinematic universe that 20th Century Fox started almost 15 years ago. Could this be possible, and how will it affect the movies going forward?

According to an Instagram post made by Umberto Gonzalez a.k.a. El Mayimbe, it looks like that is indeed the case. According to El Mayimbe's sources, it is speculated that both 'Wolverine 3' and 'X-men: Apocalypse' will be the last films that will reference the original X-men trilogy, and that all of the X-men movies that will be produced afterwards will be based on what happened on 'X-men: First Class.'

These rumors could prove to be true, since a post made by Hugh Jackman a month ago that the third 'Wolverine' film may well be his last appearance in the universe (speculations indicate that he will still have a major role in 'X-men: Apocalypse'). It does make sense, especially with the fact that the upcoming 'X-men' sequel would introduce younger versions of the characters that we know from the original trilogy such as Jean Grey (Phoenix), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Ororo Munroe (Storm), and Kurt Wagnar (Nightcrawler).

Some critics agree that the move to completely eradicate the previous 'X-men' films from the fans' memories is the right way to go. Sure, last year's 'X-men: Days of Future Past' gave comic book superhero fans one of the best movie going experiences of their lives, especially when the studio found a way of connecting the older and newer generation of X-men cast members. However, when looking back at the original trilogy, fans could not help but to remember the "atrocity" that was 'X-men: The Last Stand.'

The timeline alteration made in 'X-men: Days of Future Past' was a good way of starting to change the X-men universe, and 'X-men: Apocalypse' might drive the point further and completely remove the original trilogy from the timeline. In the comics, the Apocalypse storyline follows an alternate universe where Professor X dies protecting Magneto after his son goes back in time to try and assassinate the latter. Xavier's death allows the rise of Apocalypse and Magneto becomes the leader of the X-men.

This would obviously not be the case for 'X-men: Apocalypse,' but fans can be sure that something major will cause the timeline to be further altered, completely erasing any chances of the original 'X-men' trilogy from happening.

As for the major stars attached to the film, fans are already aware that both Jackman and actress Jennifer Lawrence (who plays Mystique) may be leaving the franchise after 'Apocalypse,' although this could turn out to be a tactic by 20th Century Fox to keep their superhero cinematic universe "in the buzz."

There are a lot of questions that come with this kind of speculation, especially regarding the future of the Wolverine character, who fans last saw under the care of an interested Mystique posing as Major Stryker. And how will the rocky relationship between Professor X (played by James McAvoy) and Magneto (played by Michael Fassbender) turn out? Will it end up following the same path as the first X-men movie in spite of moving away from that route?

'X-men: Apocalypse' is scheduled to be released on May 27, 2016, while 'Wolverine 3' is slated for a March 3, 2017 release.

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