Final Fantasy Type 0 HD reach 1M sales due to FFXV demo; new DirectX12 Nvidia Square Enix demo features in-game graphics


Final Fantasy Type 0 was released March 2015 and has since picked up 1M sales worldwide. This is due in part to fans' reception and expectations for the upcoming new Final Fantasy XV.

This week's Microsoft's BUILD 2015 developer conference revealed a collaborative effort between Final Fantasy developer Square Enix, NVIDIA, and Microsoft. The demo highlighted the most recent development in computer-generated graphics. The latest technology demo has fans more than excited for the upcoming Final Fantasy XV, as the demo was allegedly in-game.

By April 2015, sales of the PSP game Final Fantasy Type-0 HD reached a record 1M sales worldwide. The re-engineered PlayStation Portable game is now in high definition, and fans are picking up a copy of the game for the bundled demo version of the anticipated Final Fantasy XV. Square Enix survey revealed that 80% of the buyers purchased the game for the sole purpose of testing out the demo version of the upcoming new Final Fantasy XV game. The physical copy was exclusive for day-one purchases, and digital versions are valid after two months purchase of the game.

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is praised for staying true to the original version, despite the game being a reboot to a much older version. The HD version is a leap from the crude graphics of the PSP version, making it a refreshing new experience to the well-traversed gaming world. Although Final Fantasy Type-O HD is clearly a game made for PSP, its graphics and gameplay are significantly improved, clearly making much use of technology developed for eighth-generation consoles.

As of late, the final release date of the highly anticipated Final Fantasy XV is still uncertain. Final release date has yet to be declared by developer Square Enix. Fans continue to praise the upcoming Final Fantasy XV demo version bundled with Final Fantasy Type-0 HD.

Final fantasy type-0 hd, Final Fantasy XV, Final fantasy xv demo, Final Fantasy XV Update, Final fantasy xv news, Final fantasy xv release date, Square Enix

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