‘Finding Dory’ Setting Avoids Aquatic Parks to Prevent Risk of Being Grilled in Criticisms Due to ‘Blackfish’ Controversy


"Finding Dory" has changed locations for filming to prevent the movie from catching negative criticisms caused by the release of the controversial movie entitled "Blackfish" by Gabriela Cowperthwaite in 2013.

SeaWorld, a world - famous chain of aquatic parks in the United States, suffered the most after the documentary with its annual attendees dropping in rate and ultimately - a drop in profit. SeaWorld's shares also dropped by 33% according to "The Guardian" on August 2014. SeaWorld also lost investors and business offers from different companies, one of which is the decline in aquatic animal animation movies that were used to be largely shot at such place.

Unsurprisingly, "Finding Dory" will still take place in the ocean, but most of the scenes in the movie will be shot at a marine biology institute instead of aquatic parks like SeaWorld.

Pixar President Jim Morris in an interview with a Portuguese publication said that, "The movie will be mostly set at the California Marine Biology Institute, a huge complex of sea life rehabilitation and aquarium, where Dory was born and raised."

This institute is where Dory, starred by the very excited Ellen DeGeneres, will be headed to after she grows homesick in the ocean and seeks for her parents.

Such setting will also open the convenience for the writers to add more characters in the story without having to dwell too much on how they happened to be in the scene.

"We will get to meet new characters, like an octopus, sea lions, a beluga whale, among others," tells Morris.

Diane Keaton and Eugene Levy will be voicing as Dory's parents. Apparently, the story commences when Dory - whose most prominent description is unfortunately being "forgetful" - goes with Nemo on a class trip to see manta rays migrate back home six months later after quite a while of peaceful life among the clowns of fish.

Andrew Stanton's "Finding Dory" will start another journey for Dory with her friends Marlin, Nemo, and the Tank Gang in search for her parents. Expect to find to Dory sailing in 3D and 2D theaters worldwide on June 17, 2016.

Finding dory cast, ‘Finding Dory’ plot, ‘Finding Dory’ release date

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