Bungie Inc., Confirms One More Chest to Uncover in Destiny’s The Vault of Glass; What Other Secrets Could be Revealed?


One of the most massively played first-person shooter games, Destiny is driving fans crazy trying to figure out what other secrets The Vault of Glass is hiding. Are there more chests to uncover? Is there another door to open? With Bungie reps keeping mum, fans assume that there is more to The Vault than was first presented.

Destiny is set on mythical world of science fiction, the aftermath of a period called the Golden Age where humans experienced the best of their potentials and have spread t conquering other worlds. A mysterious event called the Collapse ended the said age and this is where the games brings the players to. Players choose what kind of Guardian they play to be, each having their own abilities and special skills and powers. One can then explore different locations, shooting enemy aliens along the way, of course, on their quest to become legendary.

One of the most challenging levels is The Vault of Glass. Although players need to complete missions throughout the game, in The Vault, players need to solve puzzles and mazes and uncover secrets. And shoot hoards of aliens, of course. It usually takes so much time that players often spend months trying to uncover these secrets. In fact, die hard Destiny players have been at it for the past eight months already, even creating groups and forums where they share discoveries and theories on what or how to go about exploring The Vault.

And, after months of keeping mum, Bungie Inc., has finally confirmed last February that, yes, there are still more secrets in the Vault of Glass. At least one more chest is still undiscovered, according to Bungie. Of course, they never revealed where or how to find this eponymous chest, but that wouldn't be fun at all. Players should scramble back to their consoles and rack their brains yet again on how to find this elusive chest. One thing's for sure though: there is one more chest and it can be found, one way or another.

Two expansion packs in the form of downloadable content for Destiny has already been announced. The first, The Dark Below, was released last December 9, 20114, while the other one, The House of Wolves will be ready for release on May 19.

Destiny, Destiny Game

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