Apple iPhone 6 & Motorola Droid Maxx emit very high radiations, potential to cause brain cancer


IARC categorized a phone's RF as having the potential to cause brain cancer last May 31, 2011. It was revealed that the Apple iPhone 6 Plus and Motorola Droid Maxx have the highest SAR value, which can potentially cause brain cancer if it exceeds the limit of 1.6 watts per kilogram. The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 has the lowest value of 0.20 W/kg at the head.

Phone's RF possible to cause cancer

One of the concerns that phone owners have is the possibility of acquiring cancer from their devices. This is seen to be potentially caused also by the handset's radiofrequency (RF). A component of the World Health Organization (WHO) recently categorized radiofrequency fields as "possibly carcinogenic to humans."

"The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer, associated with wireless phone use," reported International Agency for Research on Cancer.

The agency also pointed out that the RF exposure might "induce long-term effects, in particular an increased risk for cancer."

"This has relevance for public health, particularly for users of mobile phones, as the number of users is large and growing, particularly among young adults and children," added IARC.

There is a safe exposure to FR energy that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) imposes for phone manufacturers. This is termed as Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). A device is allowed to only have a SAR level of 1.6 watts per kilogram (1.6 W/kg.), i.e., phone owners should only receive 1.6 W/kg. when using their devices.

"Any cell phone at or below these SAR levels (that is, any phone legally sold in the U.S.) is a 'safe' phone, as measured by these standards. The FCC limit for public exposure from cellular telephones is an SAR level of 1.6 watts per kilogram (1.6 W/kg)," said FCC.

Apple iPhone 6s and Motorola Droid Maxx have highest SAR value

In their site's Legal section, Apple released the SAR values of their iPhone 6 Plus on models A1522 and A1524:

  • A1522: SAR value is 1.16 (when phone placed at the body); 1.14 (when phone placed at the head)
  • A1524: SAR value is 1.19 (when phone placed at the body); 1.19 (when phone placed at the head)

However, it was pointed out that the iPhone 6 SAR value is "close to the legal limit" if all transmitters of the smartphone are turned on.

"Like most cell phones, both new iPhone 6 models have several transmitters that can simultaneously emit microwave radiation, which include Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radiation. When all these transmitters are turned on, the iPhone 6 SAR value is 1.58 W/kg and for the iPhone 6 Plus SAR it's 1.59 W/kg," reported RF (Radio Frequency) Safe.

The same site revealed that the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (model SM-N910V) has the lowest head SAR value of only 0.20 W/kg compared to Apple iPhone 6 Plus (model A1524) head SAR value of 1.19.

CNET also published their top 5 phones that have the highest SAR value. It revealed that the Motorola Droid Maxx has the highest value in their list, 1.54 W/kg.

"A 1.54 SAR rating and 15-hour battery life that will keep that barely-legal-level radiation blasting your lower body all day long. Now make no mistake, the Maxx has 4.5 star rating from CNET and an editor's choice. It is an outstanding phone that raises the bar and performance, battery life, and potential tumor growth," said CNET Senior Editor Donald Bell.

Readers should take note that the FCC considers SAR level of 1.60 w/kg and below as "safe." It is only declared unsafe if it exceeds limit. Nevertheless, a phone's radiation is a potential factor to add the chance of having brain cancer and other types of cancer, given that other gadgets also emit radiations. Hence, it seems healthy to choose phone versions that have lower SAR values.

In addition to RF-related cancer diseases, WHO/IARC are still collecting more evidences and investigations to determine the level of risk to humans exposed to phone radiations.

Samsung galaxy note 4, World Health Organization, Federal Communications Commission, FCC, Apple, Iphone 6 plus, Apple Inc, Iphone, Apple iphone, IPhone 6s, Apple iphone 6, Samsung, Motorola, Mobile phone

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