Destiny Patch Features New Branded Weapons and Artifacts in Official Bungie Reveal; $40 The Taken King DLC Receives Few Complaints?


Destiny The Taken King DLC adds more gun action to the title, which is undoubtedly one of the distinguishing features that gamers love. The patch also brings more concepts to the game like that of "Artifacts." With the new enhancements brought by the expansion, players have given varied responses. The negative side would mainly be on the price tag people had to pay, but consequently, many are satisfied and have found the game to really deliver improvements.

There are a number of weapon manufacturers in Destiny. Through The Taken King patch, new and fresh firearms have been added under these groups. Mark Noseworthy, who is the game's executive producer, comments, "There's lots of new weapons in the game, tons of new gear and one of the things that we're really excited about, are the branded weapons."

A recent games report talks about the Suros Regime auto-rifle from Destiny. With this weapon, players are able to cause more damage against the sights being aimed at. At the same time, the upgrade tree becomes a useful feature as players get the ability to "swap recoil out for range essentially."

Considering that Destiny: The Taken King DLC is priced at $40, it got divided responses from fans of the title. Another report sought to look at the trend if the feedback was more on the positive side, or more on the negative. For one thing, it has been found that getting succinct evidence on this difficult because the people who are simply enjoying the game are not acting up.

An example would be the petition for Bungie to give those playing for 1 year already the same benefits as the new players. This got 30,000 signatures as said in the same article. However, although that is a big number, it barely compares to the 20 million players who are registered.

Overall, this entails that the Destiny patch, The Taken King DLC is able to bring new features to the game. However, with its selling price of $40, it became unavoidable to get complaints from players. It will boil down to a subjective matter if a gamer thinks the content will be worth his money or not. For more announcements on Bungie's title, come back later on for future posts.

Destiny, Destiny patch, Destiny Game, Destiny The Taken King, Destiny The Taken King news, Destiny The Taken King latest, Destiny The Taken King update

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