Assassin's Creed Syndicate To Rise After AC Unity 'Glitch,' Evie As Lead Assassin


Ubisoft might redeem itself come the release of Assassin's Creed Syndicate. The Assassin's Creed developer received some flak from its Assassin's Creed Unity - from launching the game too early and unpolished. Another, Ubisoft might have chosen the glamorous city of Paris, but the decision became harmful than beneficial, as other primal elements of the game were overshadowed by the splendid setting.

This setback might be the reason why Ubisoft had been "taking all the precautionary measures to ensure 'Assassin's Creed Syndicate' will see a more successful launch and be a more fluid game," according to the International Business Times. Another method employed by the game's developer is by asking player feedback. Jonathan Dank, user research project manager for Ubisoft, said that they tried to get player feedback after showcasing this year's titles at the last two gaming events.

Grapples and vehicles were praised as additional means of getting around the city. In the Assassin's Creed Syndicate, players will be seeing more horses and carriages, as London was teeming with them during the Victorian era. According to the PC Authority, "Syndicate's vehicles are more than simply a GTA-style bolt-on. Carriages are designed to integrate as seamlessly as possible with the known gameplay experience; they can be used for attacking, escaping, or even hiding if necessary."

If players would, in any way, happen to pay attention on the railroad design in the Assassin's Creed Syndicate, then you might want to know that the railroad system was modeled after the real system in London. From horses, carriages, a train network, to a fleet of ships drifting across Thames, these are elemental to the game's multi-layered emergent player experience that the developers would like to project and give to Assassin's Creed loyal gamers.

And this series of the Assasin's Creed will be welcoming Evie as the female lead. Ubisoft was adamant in placing lady assassins in Unity, and now had drafted Evie to play in the center. She will have her own skillset, moves, and finishers which play out differently to those of her brother's - Jacob.

All of these undertakings by Ubisoft proved that it pays to take in the players' feedback seriously. In the end, they are the ones who will pay for and play the game.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate will be released on October 23 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC platforms.

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