UK allocates £20M to teach female Muslim migrants English
British Prime Minister pledged £20 million to fund English classes for Muslim women migrants in hopes to solve extremism.
Malaysia's Petronas to cut $11.4 Billion in Expenses amidst oil rout
Malaysia’s Petronas will cut $11.4 billion from its capital and operating expenditure for the next four years as rout in oil prices continues, sending Brent crude price to $28 per barrel.
Japan approves 85,550 MW renewable energy project, bulk from solar power
Japan gave the go signal for the 2012 clean energy projects that could produce up to 85,550 megawatts of renewable power, the bulk of which is from solar energy.
Wearable IoT World launches Hong Kong accelerator after receiving $4.5M from Radiant Venture Capital
Wearable IoT (Internet of Things) World launched Monday its Hong Kong operation after receiving $4.5 million worth of funding from China-based investor Radiant Venture Capital.
Latest News
New York City gets a $176 million federal funding to clean up the natural disaster scene, specially after Hurricane Sandy. The fund was raised through a national contest organized by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, to better prepare the citizens for any forthcoming natural disaster. Additionally, the city now has the $100 million from Mayor de Blasio to build their large-scale flood protection system around Lower Manhattan.
China grew 6.9 percent in 2015 indicating the slowest growth rate in 25 years. The growth rate was 6.8 for the fourth quarter of 2015. The world's second largest country recorded 7.3 percent growth rate in 2014. Investors are cautious about the impact of slowdown in China's economy. IMF forecasts China's economy growth rate at 6.3 percent in 2016 and six percent in 2017. Chinese government has set a target of seven percent growth for 2016.
Local carpooling app Ryde, which started in September 2014, has announced plans to expand to Hong Kong. Ryde app helps cut road congestion, pollution, and commuting cost.
Saudi Arabia oil minister Ali al-Naimi said that stability in the oil market will be attained only through the cooperation amid major manufacturers and this would take time. Ali al-Naimi added that although the worldwide oil market has been experiencing an instability for over 12 months, he is hopeful regarding the return and future of the oil market.
With the lifting of international sanctions from Tehran, India would be able to recommence its unobstructed oil import from the Persian Gulf country. Iran is anticipated to boost its oil export of 1.1 million barrels per day by 500,000, according to the Indian Oil Cooperation.
China is set to report its weakest full-year growth figure in 25 years. The official GDP data will be published by China’s National Bereau of Statistics on Tuesday.
Chipotle has been reported to embattle with the series of epidemic outbreaks and adopt new food safety measures. The restaurant giant is facing a subpoena investigating a norovirus outbreak at one of its restaurants in California. Both share price and restaurant sales have been reduced following the epidemic outbreaks. To regain the customers back, the chain has adopted certain marketing policies including offering more food free to the customers.
Microsoft is probably going to bury the business with Lumia handsets and going to introduce the last smart phone by February, the Lumia 650. The Lumia 750 and 850 are still in line, but the tech giant intends to concentrate on surface phone. Burying the “Lumia” name, most likely means Microsoft has something else in mind for the near future.
France is now under “a state of economic and social emergency”. To keep up with the world's economy, French President Francois Hollande also unveiled a 1-billion-euro budget.
The Hong Kong dollar fell for four straight days to a four-year low of 7.8040 against the US dollar Tuesday morning, due to outflow of US dollar capital from the region and its weakening economy.