Netflix Global Growth Faces New Threats
Netflix global expansion faces a new threat. Video streaming providers around the world are starting a global alliance to hinder its further international expansion.
Vietnam economy among fastest-growing markets amidst global economic threats
Vietnam‘s economy is steadily expanding at near 7 percent this year, making it one of the world’s fastest-growing markets amidst global market turmoil.
Researchers Build QUIPP, Smartphone App To Identify Premature Birth Risk
Researchers from King's College in London have successfully developed an app to predict risk of premature birth. The app has been tested in two studies and is now available at Apple's App Store.
Honda showcases redesigned 2017 Honda Ridgeline at the Detroit Auto Show
Honda showcases its newly redesigned 2017 Ridgeline during the Detroit Auto Show last Monday. The new pickup truck design makes the owner forget that they are riding a unibody platform.