What has schooling got to do with retail? India's top e-retailers are running free 'universities'
Millions of retailers in India are starting to get the hang of selling products online, and the platforms where they offer their products are giving them free training on how to properly prepare and sell their products. Free "universities" are becoming a fast growing trend among India's top online retailers.
Phone Home: Russian billionaire commits $100 Million in search for intelligent alien life
Russian billionaire Yuri Milner committed $100 million to the most comprehensive search for intelligent life form in the universe.
Japan's 0.4% deflated economy, assault to 'Abenomics'
Japan's economy has been facing tough times when its economy began to contract by 0.4% in the year's second quarter. It was an official data shown on Monday emphasizing how the prime minister's 'Abenomics' growth program doesn't work.
India recruits private sector executives to head state bank reforms
Prime Minister Narendra Modi recruited executives from the private sector to head two of the biggest state-owned banks, making it the first such appointments in a wide-range reform strategy to challenge the dominant but often inefficient lenders backed by the government.