
German Climate Plan Puts Emphasis On CO2; Targets sectors

According to the statement of its Senior Officials on Monday, the German government has already arrived at a tentative agreement on a Climate Action Plan including targets for all economic sectors aiming to decrease C02 discharge by at least 55 percent by 2030 compared to 1990.

Irish Sectors Suffer Months After The Referendum Vote

After United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union, the PMI data from IHS Market shows that the Irish companies operating in sectors have already suffered in the months subsequent to the referendum.

UK Trade Deal With India Hit A Snag

Great Britain's trade deal with India is on a snag as Prime Minister Theresa May travels to India.

Cuba Is Low In Its Foreign Investments

Cuba is opening its eye to increase its foreign investments. Cuba is failing to meet its self-imposed foreign investment targets two years after detente with the United States set off the greatest surge of business interest in the country since its 1959 socialist revolution, officials said on Tuesday in Havana.

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Seeking to sustain its retail brokerage trade, China International Capital Corp has announced its plans in acquiring China Investment Securities for 16.7 billion yuan ($2.5 billion).
During the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit on Tashkent, Kyrgyzstan, Russia has restated its support to all the sectors of Afghanistan after the Chief Executive Office of the National Unity Government met with the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.
The AJK Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider Khan has directed to all government institutions to establish an effective financial discipline in their respective organizations.
Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump in Florida and Pennsylvania. However, Nevada is somehow trailing for Trump.
Oral arguments are heard this week by the California Supreme Court.Duringthe deliberation, the Attorney General’s office defended a regulatory move by Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones when the insurance industryfiled a case against them.
Numerours records of human rights violation has stopped US to sell the 26,000 rifles to the Philippines.
All about France's reform regulation on crowdinvesting and crowdlending. France's second reform of crowdfunding regulation has officially come into force.
Airstrike killing people still continues as the Yemeni President turns down the proposed UN Peace Deal.
Malmstrom is claiming that the EU and US trade deal is not yet done, however also, is still not an agreement already.
The long talk of the town for EU and Canadian citizens has finally been signed -- EU-Canada Free Trade Deal.
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