Tough Regulatory May Open Roads For Alaska Pot Industry
The very first legal pot shops in Alaska is expected to be opened in just a few weeks’ time. Potential business owners, investors and state regulators have worked in building a new industry in the two years upon the voters' approval to the Ballot Measure 2.
Kyle Bass Foresees 'Stagflation' In 2017
Kyle Bass, a famed hedge fund manager, said that the US economy is facing another period of inflation but with a still half-hearted growth which will pose a difficult investing environment.
China, Philippines Are Into South China Sea Underway Deal
After series of tensed dispute by several leaders and dwellers, the Philippines and China is now bound to enter into a deal to jointly explore the energy resources in the South China Sea, mostly called as the West Philippine Sea in the Philippines.
Threat: After ISIS, People From Mosul Fear What Comes Next
Mosul is a city in northern Iraq and is occupied since June 2014 by ISIS. Mosul is once home to 70,000 Arameans Christians there are possibly none left today in Mosul, any that do remain are forced to pay a tax for remaining Christian, and live under the constant threat of violence.