Google working on super fast 10-gigabit Internet connection
Google is said to be developing data transfer speeds of up to 10-gigabits per second, an internet connection that would put to shame the 1-gigabit connection of its Google Fiber offering, NBC News reported.
Uncle Sam loses $31M as it wavers on what to do with Bitcoin stash- report
The uncertainty of the US government on what to do with the Bitcoins it has confiscated from the Silk Road raid in October last year has already cost it paper losses amounting to $31 million, The New York Post reported.
Einhorn's Greenlight Capital goes to court to know identity of Seeking Alpha commenter who disclosed Micron stake
Greenlight Capital has asked a New York state court to order the website Seeking Alpha to reveal the identity of the person who leaked the hedge fund's stake in Micron last year, Reuters reported.
Chinese bloggers ask for support from John Kerry for Internet freedom in China
Chinese bloggers asked for the help of US Secretary of State John Kerry to help push for Internet freedom in China in a meeting at the US Embassy in Beijing, Bloomberg reported.