Vietnamese mobile game Flappy Bird hits top spot on app stores
Flappy Bird, a mobile game created by Hanoi-Vietnam-based developer Dong Nguyen of dotGears Studios, hit the top spot of free mobile apps in the Google Play and iOS app stores, mainly because it is very challenging and frustrating.
UK working to unblock harmless sites barred by Internet filter
The UK government is now listing down charities, educational, and other random websites wrongly blocked by Internet service providers when web filters designed to block porn came into full effect.
California-based startup YouBetMe launches app that helps keep track of casual bets
San Francisco, California-bases mobile betting startup YouBetMe is launching an app that helps keep track of casual bets, and is planning to raise Series A funding in the near future.
Indian fashion retailer Myntra raises $50M in funding as Amazon and Flipkart approach
Bangalore, India-based online fashion retailer Myntra raised $50 million in funding as it got approached by e-commerce giants Amazon and Flipkart as the round closed.