Budget deficits a second order problem- Summers
American economist Lawrence Summers said policy makers should focus on growth strategies rather than debate on issues about the budget deficit.
Italy needs supply-side reforms to fuel growth- IMF
The International Monetary said Italy would need to make supply-side reforms to boost its growth. Italy's growth has been hampered with high debt, an unstable government, red tape and low growth.
SAC UK sees exodus of traders to the competition
Lia Forcina, Alidod Shirinbekov and John Levavasseur left SAC UK for greener pastures. SAC Capital Advisors LP's Lia Forcina had managed over USD700 million during her stint in the firm.
ECB head Mario Draghi seeks protection for bondholders
Bondholders were sought protected by Mario Draghi through the European Central Bank. The European Central Bank head Mario Draghi informed the European Commission last month requesting that bondholders be spared any losses in the event a bank rescue occurs until such time an EU banking union is put in place.