Hyundai Rotem puts share price at top end after IPO was oversubscribed
Hyundai Rotem Co had priced its shares at a maximum amount of KRW 23,000 apiece after its IPO was oversubscribed.
Banks to repay ECB crisis loans
On Friday, the European Central Bank said it would receive an early repayment of loans from banks next week valued at EUR5.199 billion.
Third-party startup releases fix to iPhone 5S sensor error
RealityCap, an iOS app software company, had published a fix for iPhone 5S owners whose sensor provide inaccurate information.
CORRECTED: Berlin startup Labfolder receives six-figure funding to build digital lab book
Berlin-based Labfolder's product was aimed to help scientists plan and document experiments. CORRECTION: Changed facts in title and in article body.
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The Kuwaiti Investment Authority's property division St Martins is in discussion to purchase the More London complex.
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Air France-KLM CEO Alexandre de Juniac said a company restructuring should happen in Alitalia before the French carrier would consider putting out a takeover offer.
The Department of Energy loan given to the now floundering Fisker was bought out by an investment firm headed by Richard Li.
Alex Avilam, the catcher of the Detroit Tigers, had to leave the game against the Red Sox because of a sprained left knee.
Microsoft made seemingly minor but convenient changes to Windows 8.1. Microsoft has finally released Windows 8. 1, the upgrade to its original Windows 8 operating system.
Toyota voluntarily recalled vehicles made in 2012-2013 due to safety issues. Toyota said it would notify vehicle owners through first-class mail about the recall of some of its 2012-2013 car models.
The third quarter report of Dow Jones Venture Source showed a rise in venture capital activity in the technology sector.
A rise in acquisitions in Australian and New Zealand farms and assets had been seen recently. The bidding war over Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Factory Company Holdings Ltd had fanned investor fever of acquisitions in dairy farms and companies over Australia and New Zealand.