North America

Lanx Concludes Series C with US$15M

Lanx Inc Concludes Series C funding by raising US$15 million. The privately held world renowned spine company, Lanx, Inc. disclosed today the conclusion of its Series C equity financing round by raising US$15 million.

NewWave Acquired by Rural Broadband and GTCR

NewWave Communications purchased by Rural Broadband and GTCR. In an announcement today by GTCR, it disclosed its acquisition of NewWave Communications from Pamlico Capital.

LA Utility Seeking Bidders for Solar Power Developers

LA Utility seeking bidders for 250 MW solar power project that complies with state regulations on renewable energy.

Wheelz Acquired by RelayRides

Wheelz's purchase by Relay Rides merges into the largest peer to peer car sharing marketplace. RelayRides announced today its acquisition of Wheelz, a peer to peer car sharing policy.

Latest News

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Icahn recommends new Board of Directors for Dell. The special committee of the board of directors of Dell Inc has formally asked Carl Icahn for specific details of the plan to be implemented that would have the computer maker pay dividends and issue shares as he has proposed.
Elliot Management calls the offer of Hess Corp of two directors a "PR stunt". In a bid to appease Elliott Management, Hess Corp has offered the maverick investment fund two seats on the board.
Glass Lewis recommends to shareholders not to vote for proposed executive compensation package. According to proxy advisory firm Glass Lewis, shareholders of Goldman Sachs Group Inc should vote against the proposed executive compensation as the board has 'failed to link pay with performance'.
Twitter acquires Lucky Sort for ramping up of its keyword ad tool functionality. Twitter CEO Noah Pepper recently announced the acquisition of Lucky Sort in order to boost its ad sales and reporting functionality.
Vince Clothing prepares for fall IPO. According to two sources that has first-hand knowledge of the situation related to clothing company Vince, the company is nearing the completion of its preparations for an initial public offering.
Avista offers cash bid for Telular shares at US$12.61 per share. In an announcement on Monday, Avista Capital Partners disclosed that the ACP Tower Meger Sub, Inc has pushed through with its earlier announcement regarding its cash bid for all the existing shares of common stock of Telular Corporation.
KeyCorp CFO to retire soon. KeyCorp disclosed today that current Chief Financial Officer Jeffrey B. Weeden has notified the company of his intent to retire after almost 11 years in the firm.
Coleman Cannon adds his expertise to the San Francisco office of Silicon Legal Strategy. Silicon Legal Strategy disclosed today the addition of Coleman Cannon as Senior Associate in its San Francisco headquarters.