Elon Musk Sued by Former Twitter Executives for Making up 'Fake Cause' to Fire Them to Avoid Paying Over $128 Million
Four former top Twitter executives have sued Elon Musk for allegedly withholding more than $128 million of their severance pay after firing them when he acquired the company.
Doritos Faces Boycott Calls for its Transgender Ambassador's Tweet About 12-Year-Old
Doritos Spain is facing backlash as its announcement of transgender artist Samantha Hudson being its brand ambassador sparked outrage over her past tweets involving a 12-year-old.
Harnessing Adversity: Mohammad Bahareth's Global Advocacy and Intellectual Triumph
In an era where overcoming personal challenges to effect global change is celebrated, Mohammad Bahareth stands as a paragon of resilience and intellectual dynamism. With his roots deeply embedded in the rich cultural and intellectual heritage of Saudi Arabia, Bahareth has transcended personal battles with dyslexia to become a beacon of hope and a voice for empowerment on the world stage.
Angelina Fabian on Trauma: Why You Can't Just Talk It Away
In the maze of human emotions, trauma is among the most complex and misunderstood. Angelina Fabian, a Human Design Teacher and Analyst, unravels the complexities of trauma, illuminating its impact and charting a course toward healing.