Yes, What happens in China matters in your retirement plans

One can cite several reasons for the ongoing crash of equity values across the global markets. The major reason that no one can afford to avoid is Chinese factor. The slowdown in the world's second-largest economy, China's latest devaluation of its currency Yuan, drop in manufacturing output, mining companies reporting worst performance, etc, all these developments are impacting the global markets in fact all the countries including developed and emerging economies as well.

Get most out of your Fundraising in Silicon Valley; Learn the Tips and Tricks from Mattermark and more

Most investors in Silicon Valley use Mattermark to keep track of startup companies looking to raise funds. Now, its CEO and co-founder Danielle Morrill is giving a lot of advices for startup founders on how to get the most from fundraising in Silicon Valley.

Ashley Madison victims now being blackmailed

Hackers are now taking advantage of the people affected by the recent Ashley Madison attack, security companies say.

Apple falls, along with other tech giants and the US stock market

Apple shares went down seven percent Tuesday, and down again six percent Friday amid the declining U.S. stocks.

Latest News

Prices of various precious metals have dropped, hitting junior miners. This prompted the junior miners to venture on various unconventional options, ranging from exporting eggs to farming medical marijuana.
Michael Jordan said that he was pleased with the decision of the jury to have the owners of Dominick's pay the athlete $8.9 million after using his name in an ad without his consent.
ZeroCater , the on-site catering service, has gained revenue of $100M in four years with $1.5M funds from Y Combinator and other individual investors. Founder Arram Sabeti started the company with only $7000.
The London property market that's been a favorite global hotspot for years, is fast losing its sheen as British pound becomes stronger, while emerging economies currencies are turning out to be weaker.
Retail Acquisitions, the new owner of department store chain BhS seeks for funding of 70 million pounds several months after buying it. The new owners are now talking with prospect providers for additional funds that would help them transform the iconic brand.
There are 1,000 businesses from 35 different companies that have officially signed up for Airbnb's latest corporate peer-to-peer lodging service, "Airbnb for Business."
A few sentences from Donald Trump's previous speech are, he wants the system simplified to the minimum and he wants to see a reduction in all taxes, especially for the corporate and middle class.
The 'Big Four' accounting firm Deloitte's partners on an average posted earnings of GBP 822,000 for 2014. Deloitte's partners numbering 721 recorded a 9.6 percent growth as their average earning was up from GBP 750,000 in 2013 to GBP822,000 in 2014, according to the UK arm of the accounting firm.
Greece's Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, resigned recently, triggering a snap election on September. This is just in time as the country is about to tap it new 86 billion bailout package.
When it comes to jobs, there are variations in the gender, race, color, and most of all the age. Wherever you look there are older workers who got old working in a certain company or already at that age and was still able to work because of his knowledge and skills.