LinkedIn's Newest App Helps you Learn more about your Co-Workers
Linkedin launched Wednesday a new app called Lookup that helps people find their co-workers online more efficiently by searching based on their name, title, education, skills, and experience.
US allows social security benefits for same-sex spouses
Gay couples can now collect their Social Security benefits, the government announced Thursday. According to the advisory, same-sex married couples who resides in states that haven't yet legalized their unions and who have filed claims for their Social Security benefits can now get those payments.
5 Simple Tips on Streamlining Startup Business Effectively and Faster
Streamlining a startup business makes its workflow more efficient, effective, and faster. Some entrepreneurs become more of an employee to their company instead of running their company. This happens when they fail to automate and streamline their startup business.
Facebook edges out Google as a traffic source for news
Facebook is now the leading source of traffic for news, overtaking search giant Google, according to traffic analytics firm