Achieve your goals one day at a time - the secret to financial freedom

When daydreaming about money, visionaries like you think of the most amazingly, abundant scenarios. You can think of that mansion perched on the Hollywood Hills with no neighbours, or the multi-billion tech business, the best education for your children, or simply relaxing at one of the beaches in Fiji with your love ones.

Ashley Madison hacking update: Victims experience hate crimes, extortion, and suicide

The victims of the hack on infidelity website Ashley Madison experience more dire consequences than imagined, ranging from extortion attempts, hate crimes, and even suicide.

Chipotle to go on hiring spree; 4,000 people new jobs up for grabs on September 9

Chipotle announced that it will hold its first ever National Career Day on September 9 and will hire 4,000 new workers on site. All restaurant locations in the US will be open for interviews for a maximum of 60 applicants between 8-11 A.M on the said date. Interested applicants can register for their interview on their website,

Uber to invest $1B in India after investing another billion in China

Uber recently announced that it has allocated $1 billion to expand its operations in China. Like that is not big enough, the company will also be setting aside another $1 billion to strengthen its business in India.

Latest News

Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Larry Summers claims that the aggressive sell-off on the global markets can lead to "a very serious situation" and raising interest rates could be a big mistake.
Selling on Wall Street was so drastic Monday that the stocks and exchange-traded funds went through unprecedented emergency halts 1,200 times.
Comcast announced this week that it has plans to roll out a next-generation cable technology that will opportune it to compete at the same speed that Google Fiber has, which is 1 gigabit per second.
Since European Union's economy is finally recovering, a noted economist proposes three significant areas that U.K. officials should focus on to sustain its growth: medium-sized businesses, overseas trade and linking of geographic powerhouses to maintain the economic model.
Intel is partnering up with Mirantis to advance OpenStack cloud computing framework with a $100 million investment.
In an unprecedented move, the stock price of world's most diversified business conglomerate fell 21 percent on the Wall Street. The shares of General Electric (GE) suffered biggest loss ever since the Black Monday in 1987 eroding the company's value by a whopping $53 billion.
The latest rankings on most expensive states in the US reveal that New York is no more the most expensive place in America. The Aloha State (Hawaii became Aloha State officially by 1959 Legislative Act) moved up to the top position in the list of most expensive state in the US for first quarter of 2015 from second most expensive state status in 2014.
Apple's stock rose sharply Monday after chief executive Tim Cook sent a rare e-mail to a news commentator, saying sales in China had been strong.
FAA reported that there had been almost 700 close encounters between drones and planes. Drones have no permissions to soar the sky of more than 400 feet off the ground or within the five miles of any airport, but on the day of August 15, drones messed with air traffic in the Unites States, dozens of them.
Many home health workers and other direct care workers will have the best day of their lives because they are going to have a raise. What drives this wage increase include union assertive campaigns, bountiful state minimum wage laws, an authoritative court decision on Friday and most significant is demand growth for paid home care by consumers.