SPH Announced Plans To Raise US$409 Million Through REIT
Singapore Press Holdings announced their plans to raise S$523 million through REIT Singapore Press Holding Ltd expressed their plans to raise at least S$523 million or US$409 million through the spinning off of some of its property assets through a real estate investment trust.
Sagentia Group Acquires OTM Consulting
Sagentia Group acquired OTM Consulting. Sagenta Group PLC acquired 100% stake in OTM Consulting Limited along with its wholly owned subsidiary, OTM Group.
Dillistone Acquires FCP Internet Holdings Limited
Dillistone acquired FCP Internet Holdings Limited on July 8. Dillstone announced the completion of its acquisition of FCP Internet Holdings Limited last July 8, 2013.
B&G Foods Completes Acquisition of Pirate Brands
B&G Foods Inc announced today that it has completed acquisition of Pirate Brands for US$195 million.