Imperative and Purpose Economy Announce Merger

Today, Imperative and Purpose Economy announced merger with Aaron Hurst appointed as the new chief executive officer.

Fort Washington Capital Launches Two new Products

Cincinnati-based Fort Washington Capital has launched two new funds. Fort Washington Capital Partners Group, a private equity fund manager based in Cincinnati, had submitted its plan to launch two fresh investment funds that should raise a combined valuation around $150 million.

Bankers Experience Roadblocks in Selling Covered Bonds

Most bankers experienced roadblocks in selling covered bonds as investors like Pacific Investment Management Co said that debts from fledging markets have drove them away.

Indian YES Bank Looks to Increase Capital

YES Bank is close to securing additional capital funds. YES Bank in a plan to raise around US$500 million would be selling close to 10% equity to two separate private equity investor groups.

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RWE AG is expected to get rid of Gazprom oil price deals after arbitration. RWE AG previously said to get rid of a link in oil prices with gas supply contracts, contracts that have cost Germany's second-largest utility hundreds of millions of euros, they must win an arbitration against Russia's OAO Gazprom.
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OGX in talks to sell its oil license stakes to avoid running out of cash OGX Petroleo & Gas Participacoes (OGXP3) in talks regarding sale of stakes in crude oil block licenses that owned by OGX.
Osram price dropped by 4% on first trading day. Osram Licht AG's opening price today fell by as much as 4% on its first day of trading. The company opened at Eur 25 but then dropped to as low as Eur23.
Mark Mobius of Templeton Emerging Markets Group considered investing in Africa. In a statement Mark Mobius released, he said he was considering private equity investments as one of the ways to tap growth in Africa.
Today, Cvent Inc announced filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission of its initial public offering listing on the New York Stock Exchange.
Today, Prosensa Holding announced the closing of its previously announced initial public offering which started trading last June 28, 2013 on the Nasdaq Global Market.
Kingsway announced that they have signed non-binding letter of intent with Atlas for sale of preferred shares
Sprint investors preferred to get cash rather than stock after the takeover bid by SoftBank won approval from the Federal Communications Communication last week.
Jones Group, parent company of Nine West hired Citigroup to explore possible sale Jones Group, parent company of Nine West, is at the early stages of sending out feelers to private equity and industry player about intents on putting the company on sale.
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