Spain Plans to sell 15 Year Syndicated Debt
Spain is planning to sell 15 year syndicated debt in light of the low yields of previous issues. Spain, in a bid to increase its liquidity, is planning to issue a 15 year bond sale through chosen banks this year.
Alinta Preparing for US Debt Issue
According to a Reuters report, Alinta is drafting a plan for a US$1 billion debt issue for its TLB debt.
BEH of Bulgaria to Meet Potential Investors for Eur250M Bond
BEH sets meeting for possible investors for its Eur250 million bond issue. Reuters reported that the biggest energy holdings firm of Bulgaria, BEH, will be sitting down with possible investors in its EUR250 million or US$321.
Third Point's Proposal to be Reviewed by Sony Board
As confirmed by Sony CEO Kazuo Hirai, the proposal put forth by Daniel Loeb of Third Point LLC would be reviewed on its merits.