Softbank Issues Waiver for Sprint

Softbank issues a waiver of some of the provisions of the merger agreement to allow Sprint to discuss and negotiate with Dish despite their standing agreement.

No More Info, Dell Tells Icahn

Dell's Special Committee tells Icahn to complete bid or no more information would be given to him and Southeastern Asset Management.

El Corte Ingles Seeks Restructuring Plan

El Corte Ingles now seeking restructuring its debt and other obligations. The largest department store chain in Europe, El Corte Ingles SA, has engaged the services of Morgan Stanley to assist in the drafting of a restructuring plan for its Eur5 billion debt.

Willis Group Hires Investment Banker

Willis Group Insurance hires Michael Guo, a former investment banker. The world's third largest insurance broker, Willis Group Holdings Plc, has engaged the services of Michael Guo as its new head of Asia for capital markets operations.

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