Google in Discussion to Acquire Israel's Waze
Google contemplating on acquiring Waze. The creator of the Android operating system, Google Inc. , is also contemplating on acquiring the free mobile navigation application, Waze Inc.
Four Bidders Interested in the Auction of auction attracts more bidders. The private equity fund, Guggenheim Digital Media and former President of News Corp, Peter Chernin, have already tendered their bids for the online video service, Hulu Video, as related by sources who are knowledgeable of the matter to Reuters.
Computacenter Announces Return of Investments to Shareholders
Computacenter is offering options to its shareholders for the return of investments, either through a class B share or a dividend amount.
Dai-ichi Life Insurance Buys Stake in Panin Life
Dai-ichi Life Ins. Co.,Ltd purchased 40% shareholdings in Panin Life of Indonesia worth 30 billion yen.