Telegram Reaches 950 Million Users, Plans to Launch App Store on the Works
The messaging app Telegram has reached 950 million active users and is expected to have a billion by the end of this year.
Elon Musk Talks About AI, Reveals Experience With Son-Turned-Daughter in Interview
Tech billionaire Elon Musk said in a Daily Wire interview that his perspectives regarding gender ideology and population are deeply personal after he had to deal with one of his sons deciding to cut ties with him by changing both name and gender.
Tractor Drone Maker Monarch Reveals $133 Million Series C Funding
Monarch Tractor CEO Praveen Penmetsa recently announced that it has raised $133 million through its Series C funding.
Clipboard Nation: Modernizing Coaching with Its Virtual War Rooms
Current software services that are available for coaches are often fragmented and hard to navigate because they aren't created for coaches and sports teams, resulting in greater inefficiencies and higher costs. The current market also lacks the tools they need most, a solution for playbook creation, game planning and film review, and a dedicated community platform that caters specifically to coaches' unique needs. That is where Clipboard Nation comes in.