Tags: Agent Carter Season 2 plot

‘Agent Carter’ Season 2 Update: Hayley Atwell wants to see Peggy in a musical; Will she find her love interest in California?

Hayley Atwell would want to see Peggy in a musical when “Agent Carter” returns. While that request seems to be impossible, season 2 might see a new love interest for the beloved agent. Fans should watch out as there could be more than one romantic partner for Peggy in the new season.

Agent Carter Season 2 Plot Spoilers: Peggy finally moving on from Captain America; Hayley Atwell having difficulty doing her own stunts?

Agent Carter Season 2 is on the works and it would seem Agent Carter will finally move on from Captain America. Hayley Atwell does her own stunts but having difficulty?

‘Agent Carter’ Season 2 Latest Updates: Show conquers Hollywood in Los Angeles; Few cast to join Atwell

Agent Carter Season 2 is still on the works as the writers are still finishing the story. The show will air early 2016 and few cast will return for the next run.

Marvel's ‘Agent Carter’ Season 2 Spoilers: Peggy falls in love in Los Angeles? Angie, Jarvis unlikely to return

Agent Carter Season 2 will have brand new cast. Who's going to fight against our favorite agent? Learn more spoilers from here.

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Sign up for Agent Carter's online petition. Why do you think the show deserves a second chance? Learn more updates from this post.
‘Agent Carter’ Latest Update revealed that writer Rich Johnston of ‘Bleeding Cool’ is certain of Season 2. Peggy new romance could be either Daniel or Angie.
If Agent Carter will be granted a second season, what should the fans expect? Learn more from here. Agent Carter's fate is still uncertain. However, there are some talks that it will be renewed for another season after providing the audience a good finale.
Agent Carter's direction is still undetermined. What are the latest news so far? Read on for more updates.
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