Tags: Amazon
Amazon's Europe changes to boost tax bill, add secrecy
Amazon’s decision to change its tax-efficient European business structure could raise its tax bill by as much as $100 million a year but authorities will have to fight for additional money and any payments will be hidden from public view.
Amazon pays $16 million tax in Germany, while making $11.9 billion sales
Internet retailer Amazon.com Inc.'s (AMZN.O) main German operating unit paid just 11.9 million euros ($16 million) in tax in 2014, despite the group recording $11.9 billion in sales to German customers last year, regulatory filings show.
Henry Rollins, James Iha to star in Amazon's 'A History of Radness'
Black Flag former vocalist Henry Rollins will be a guest star in the upcoming series "A History of Radness." Rollins will be joined by some rock artists in the said series. Amazon Studios will air it this summer.
Uber tests cash payments for cabs in India
Uber is testing cash payments in India as the online taxi-hailing company seeks a stronger foothold in a country where many fewer people have credit cards than internet connections.