Tags: Bruce jenner sex-change

Is Kourtney Kardashian Against Stepfather Bruce Jenner’s Gender Transition, doesn't want kids to know Bruce Transformation

Following the release of two episodes on 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' entitled 'Bruce', Kourtney Kardashian along with baby daddy Scott Disick relays their stand on how the issue is to be brought up to their son, Mason.

Bruce Jenner’s head to surgery scheduled this spring to complete Transgender Journey; Kardashian family shows support

Bruce Jenner has confirmed that his gender transition surgery has already been scheduled this spring. Although most of the Kardashian family members is shocked, the girls have shown support for their father.

Bruce Jenner’s children hate the Kardashians, claims they are faking their support for Bruce's Transgender Journey

Bruce Jenner announced last month that he is a woman and is in the process of transitioning to one. However, his four other kids, Brody, Casey, Brandon, and Burt believe that the Kardashians are faking their support for their father.

Keeping Up With the Kardashians Update: Bruce Jenner Sued for Killing A Woman During A Car Accident in Malibu

Bruce Jenner was sued by stepchildren of the late 65-year-old Kim Howe for being the sole person responsible for Howe's death during a car accident that Jenner started.

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Kendall Jenner's twitter account was hacked on Tuesday, April 7. The hackers tweeted about Justin Bieber and Bruce Jenner, which led some fans to wonder if Justin Bieber's fans aka Beliebers, had anything to do with the hacking incident.
Kendall Jenner ranted on Twitter about a celebrity magazine's report about her commenting about Bruce Jenner's gender transition. The 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' star denied she had an interview with the publication.
According to reports, Kylie Jenner had a surgery to achieve Kardashian sister's curved body. Another source revealed Kylie begged allegedly begged her mother to have a surgery. On the other hand, Kylie's father, Bruce Jenner is reportedly going for a sex change. A source claimed that Bruce feel better as a woman.
There are claims that Bruce Jenner will have own show that covers his transition from male to female. Possibly that show will not air too soon as according to a report, Jenner had meeting with docuseries' producers to temporarily stop it so he can settle this issue with sons Brody, Burt and Brandon.
Reality star and former Olympic champ Bruce Jenner's is shocking the entertainment world with his alleged transition from male to female. Kris Jenner, Bruce's ex wife is reportedly pretending okay, while Kim's husband Kanye West accepts his decision.
Why does the Kardashian family have a problem with Bruce Jenner's sex change? What's been circulating as rumors for what seems like forever, is finally proven to be true: Bruce Jenner, father of Kylie Jenner and the rest of the Kardashian brood, is undergoing a sex change and will soon become a woman.
Bruce Jenner's spirits were down, but it is his daughters who came to the rescue. The Kardashian-Jenner sisters rushed to their dad's side after an embarassing magazine cover transformed him into a woman.
In the latest episode of "Keeping Up With The Kardashians," Bruce Jenner refused to cut his hair for his daughter Kim Kardashian's wedding. His family tried to stage an "intervention" to get him to change his hairstyle.
Rumors abound over Bruce Jenner's ponytail, but stepdaughter Khloe Kardashian is battling to get him to snip the thing off.
Recent reports suggested that the Olympian is now wearing Spanx supposedly to maintain a svelte figure, which is usually an odd choice of undergarment in men. The figure-skimming underwear has not helped Jenner's profile in the media, and further fueled rumors.