Bruce Jenner wears spanx to look womanly? Insider claims Olympian loves results 'he wears them all the time'


WebPro News mentioned several media reports focused on the patriarch of the Kardashian-Jenner household, Bruce Jenner, who has lately become the target of bad humor regarding his purported desire to become a woman. Recent reports suggested that the Olympian is now wearing Spanx supposedly to maintain a svelte figure, which is usually an odd choice of undergarment in men. The figure-skimming underwear has not helped Jenner's profile in the media, and further fueled rumors.

A source told OK! Magazine, "He started wearing them under his suits on the red carpet, and he loved the results so much that now he wears them all the time. The girls 
haven't stopped laughing, 
and Bruce was furious that 
Kris revealed something so
 private, especially with all the 
cross-dressing rumors."

The Inquisitr also thinks that Bruce is starting look very feminine, and that the transformation, including dyeing his hair to bright tangerine and having it cut shaped like a mullet, had a positive effect on the former Olympic hero, who has been battling depression. In addition to all these sex-change speculations,

National Enquirer reported that Bruce has already picked a name for his new female identity after he successfully undergoes the procedure to change his gender. One source said, "Bruce is leaning heavily towards changing his name to Brigitte once his transformation is complete. He can't go through such extreme measures and then still be called Bruce after all is said and done."

Another source went on to explain why he chooses the name. The source said, "He loves 'Brigitte' not only be­cause it's such a beautiful name, but it makes him think of Brigitte Bardot, who was a total bombshell. She also starred in (the 1956 mov­ie) 'And God Created Woman' - and Bruce thinks it's just perfect since he's in the process of becoming a woman."

On the other hand, Bruce, who may just be any other male celebrity who is at least concerned about his growing girth and appearance in the media, has since insisted that his wearing spanx could mean anything but wanting to be a woman. An insider said, "He insists the Spanx
 are just to hide his belly - not an excuse to wear women's underwear. Bruce
 beats himself 
up for not having the washboard abs he had as a pro athlete. He wants people to think that he's still ripped."

Bruce Jenner, Bruce jenner sex-change, Bruce Jenner female transformation, Keeping Up With The Kardashians

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