Tags: Demi Lovato news

Demi Lovato Opens Up How She Felt "Conflicted" on the Death of her Abusive Father; Renders Tribute to Him Through Her New Single

Demi Lovato opened up about her estranged relationship with her father and how she felt conflicted by his death. Despite the differences, she has somehow already forgiven him and writes a song about him.

Demi Lovato Talks About Her Nude and Unretouched Photoshoot for Vanity Fair

Demi Lovato recently did a photoshoot for the latest issue of Vanity Fair. The singer explained her reasons of said photoshoot, claiming to make a statement to the public about nude beauty.

Demi Lovato opens up about her sexuality; Drops major hints on bisexual past

Demi Lovato recently opened up about her sexuality and how she's all for supporting bisexual people. The former Disney star dropped major hints in an interview regarding her past, and how her latest single 'Cool for the Summer' is based from her own personal experiences.

Is Demi Lovato bisexual? Singer neither confirms nor denies, says nothing is wrong with experimenting one’s sexuality

The singer Demi Lovato admits that she has been experimenting her sexuality. She didn't necessarily say she was bisexual, but she definitely made an implication.

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Demi Lovato is now on headlines for slipping on stage while launching her single "Cool for the Summer." It was a pool party event which she organized, but the unfortunate incident happened. Meanwhile, Demi slammed the tattoo artist who claimed to ink her purse lips tattoo on her wrist for being bitter and saying harsh words online.
Demi Lovato talks about living with Bipolarr disorder, and shares that her father suffered the same illness. She recently launched a campaign to encourage people too support mental health.
Engagement is not a sure thing yet, but what is sure for this couple is that they will work together and hopefully will both appear in an upcoming movie. Demi will sing the soundtrack for the film while this will be Wilmer's debut movie for his directing career.
Kylie Jenner and Demi Lovato posted photos of themselves showing off their bikini clad bodies. Jenner shared a picture of herself in a black cage-style bikini, while Lovato was in a purple bandeau top and neon bottom.