Tags: For Honor

Ubisoft Montreal develops new gameplay control system in For Honor; The Art of Battle revolutionizes tactical assault swordfighting

The new Ubisoft Montreal recently revealed game For Honor is a different kind of hack-n-slash that employs a strategic controlling system in using The Art of Battle.

For Honor New Trailer Shows Samurai Warriors; Ubisoft Currently Looking to Make Another Chart-Topper with Upcoming Title

Ubisoft surely does come up with the most action-packed installments and series known by this generation. With For Honor, the line certainly has been drawn, and the swords out of their sheaths to strike sales with a very fulfiling blow.

For Honor UPDATE: Ubisoft's Action RPG receives great players' reception with new trailer; Fans to expect pure gore

Ubisoft has shown great promise in delivering role-playing games for hardcore fans of all types. For Honor has no plans of holding back, according to the critics and fans who look far into the game's future.

Ubisoft Draws Out A Sword for Another Top-Notch Game On The Way

Chess pales in comparison to the awesome war game that is For Honor. It is time to charge and march forward as Ubisoft makes another chart-topper.

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Check out what For Honor has to offer which will make gamers realize that Ubisoft Montreal will not let the title go unnoticed. A demo featuring the 4v4 gameplay among vikings, knights, and samurais, was opened in E3 2015, with more info on the release date and supported consoles to come.
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