Tags: Iron Man 4 spoilers

Robert Downey Jr, Marvel price negotiation for 'Iron Man 4' undone; Rumored Ty Simpkins taking over Tony Stark?

Several weeks ago, Marvel has officially made an announcement for the "Iron Man 4" movie. News and speculations being thrown at the upcoming fourth installment movie have been recently added in the rumor mills.

'Iron Man 4' Update: No Robert Downey Jr. in 2020 Sequel? 'Jurassic World' Actor Ty Simpkins To Take Over Superhero Role

Althought Robert Downey Jr announced that he will not be doing another solo Iron Man movie, there are speculations that a 4th installment will come out on 2020. There are speculations that TY Simpkins of "Jurassic World" may replace Downey Jr.

'Iron Man 4' Updates: Storyline may feature Tony Stark’s love affair with Mary Jane Watson?

Since the announcement of the fourth phase of the "Iron Man" movie, further details have been kept concealed. So, different speculations sprout and filled the internet regarding the "Iron Man 4".

'Iron Man 4' release date delay due to Robert Downey Jr salary increase demand? Actor shows off superhero’s Labor Day

Iron Man star Robert Downey Jr. tweets as Iron Man on Labor Day weekend. The rumored Iron Man 4 is said to be delayed due to the world's highest paid actor's steep dues.

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Rober Downey Jr. won't be returning for "Iron Man 4"? With the "Iron Man 3"'s $1. 2 billion earnings in the box office, Marvel's Iron Man movie series has been one of the company's highest-grossing franchises.
What does Ty Simpkins have to do with "Iron Man 4?" Here's one of the more ridiculous rumors about Iron Man 4 to hit the Internet recently- that actor Ty Simpkins will be replacing Robert Downey, Jr.
Marvel might want to continue the "Iron Man" franchise... without Robert Downey Jr. It's no secret that Iron Man is the most successul solo Marvel Universe hero.
Which Marvel villains might be rumored for "Iron Man 4?" Iron Man 4 has always been a wild card with Marvel and the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Marvel doesn't have any official plans for "Iron Man 4," but that hasn't stopped its stars from talking about it.
Robert Downey, Jr. backtracked on what he said on Ellen, saying now that there are no plans for "Iron Man 4" on the Late Show with David Letterman.
Robert Downey, Jr. reveals that that there will be an "Iron Man 4" and considers reprising the role if Mel Gibson will direct it.
Air Herald recounted one of Downey's recent interviews about the potential film wherein he discussed that no matter how much movie executives prefer him over other actors to play Stark/Iron Man, it could not be denied that he is not getting any younger, might become detrimental for his portrayal. Would this reasoning goes the same with Paltrow too?