Tags: Mario Kart 8

Black Friday Sale 2015 Deals: Toys ‘R’ Us vs Game Stop

Stores like Toys R Us and Game Stop gear up their best game deals for the upcoming Black Friday Sale 2015.

Wii U Game Update: New Patches and Enhanced gameplay, Upcoming Game Release to Maximize Use Of Gamepad

Nintendo recently released patches and updates for some of their well-known games such as Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Mario Kart 8, and Super Smash Brothers 4. Along with upcoming game releases to maximize use of the Gamepad.

'Mad Max: Fury Road' and 'Mario Kart' combine in incredible mash-up video; Tom Hardy becomes Mario, fights real-life Chain Chomps

Mad Max: Fury Road and Mario Kart come together for the best viral video you'll see all week (all month, maybe? It's pretty great). 'Mario Kart: Fury Road' edits Blue Shells, Chain Chomps and so much more into the world of Mad Max.

Mario Kart 8 How-to Guide: Unlock 14 characters, karts, parts and Mirror modes; A wealth of Racing DLCs under way announced

Nintendo's massively popular game, Mario Kart 8, continues to offer fun in video gaming and we got a hefty list of unlockables to take your kart racing game experience even more exciting. Also, a thrilling news reveals that more racing DLC are on the way to look forward to later this year.

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The Mario Kart 8 DLC pack 2 is now available for download.This was confirmed just a little after 10AM London time today, 23-April. Once the game is opened, the DLC pack download update will be triggered and after that's done, nine new courses, three new characters, and four new vehicles will be accessible.