Tags: Microsoft

Microsoft's new butler to arrive in the future

Microsoft's virtual assistant will be reworked in preparation for future release. Move over Siri, a new virtual assistant is in town. No, it's not Google Now, but Microsoft's previously announced virtual assistant - Bob.

Microsoft Ventures taps Berlin startup community

Microsoft Ventures opened in Berlin. Berlin was considered by investors as a startup haven, home to a booming startup scene due to an influx of large companies pouring investments.

Investors must reassess investments on Intel and Microsoft-analysts

Apple and Google's effect on PC industry would result to investors' reassessment of their investments on Intel and Microsoft.

AMD holds better future than Intel and Microsoft

After Google and Apple's success with their tablets, Advanced Micro Devices could still manage to have a brighter future due to its products and processors.

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After British Prime Minister David Cameron's urge, Google and Microsoft vowed to fight child pornography.
Stocks of Microsoft plummeted as they charge on unsold Surface RT units. Shares of tech giant Microsoft dipped to unexpectedly low levels last Thursday after a lower than expected revenue showing.
It may seem that Microsoft has lost its “touch” as its Surface RT brought the company woes. Microsoft was in a dire straits recently. The company had a pretty rough week.
Microsoft announced that it had officially concluded InRelease acquisition. Microsoft has now officially reported that it has concluded the purchase of InRelease, InCycle's business venture unit, a few weeks following the deal was revealed.
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer gave Skype president Tony Bates acquisitions and relationship roles for the company.
Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft is doing a structural revamp for Microsoft (Photo : Reuters)Steve Ballmer, Microsoft to undergo structural revamp Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft is considering a structural reorganization that would place Tony Bates, Skype President, in charge of the acquisitions and relations that Microsoft has with other developers.
A online WSJ report on Wednesday said that the early discussions between Microsoft and Nokia to purchase the latter's device unit have faltered with no chance of getting renewed.
The U.S. economy might be strong enough for the Fed to start easing its monetary stimulus in the fall but the next few months could be a bumpy ride.
Being Einhorned is a new term in financial circles. Very few hedge fund managers receive as much hype and attention as David Einhorn would get with just a simple interview.
Yahoo's Marissa Meyer sought to end the search ad agreement with Microsoft and opt for Google's very own.
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