Tags: No man's sky hello games

No Man's Sky Updates: Hello Games Denies Rumors of Release Date Delay; Multiplayer a Possibility for Title

Hello Games' No Man's Sky has garnered immense attention all across the globeand the fact that it still is far from the anticipated release date may have triggered a few false claims here and there. The developers assured the fans, however, that nothing is to be of worry for the time being.

No Man's Sky Rumors Debunked by Hello Games; June 2016 Release Date Confirmed

Hello Games has perhaps heard quite enough about the surrounding gossip regarding their upcoming title No Man's Sky. A stop has been put to the said speculations, wherein fans can hold on to the reality of the game's launch.

No Man's Sky Update: Hello Games talks NEW in-depth gameplay details, factions, and possible VR support; Pre-order up, costs $73

On Amazon UK website is a pre-order page now available for No Man's Sky PC and PlayStation 4 platforms and indicates a price around $73, a lot higher than what gamers normally shell out for a big game.

No Man's Sky Featured Game for July in IGN First; Hello Games Open-World Title Contains 2 Raised to 64 Planets

Read up on the latest news for No Man's Sky and find out why the Hello Games title will make a mark this month. Take note that the release date of the open-world game is nearing for the PS4 and the PC, although it is yet to be confirmed.

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Although No Man's Sky is already set to this year for its official release, yet, until now, there is still no fixed or at least an information linked to the official release date of Hello Games' interplanetary 18-quintillion-world sci-fi game.
Recently, latest news about No Man's Sky release were out online as Hello Games boss revealed game details, breaking his months of silence about the gameplay. He mentioned that one of the planets will be named by the daughter of the late comedian Robin Williams.
Possibility of not having No Man's Sky for this year might be something to frustrate sci-fi 18 quintillion-world indie game fans while patiently waiting before its official release by August. One big reason to guess that would result to this disappointing outcome is the parity clause between Microsoft to Hello Games' PS4 and PC chosen platforms.
As the expected release date of No Man's Sky is getting closer, there is a dramatic increase to the exceeding expectations among fans, who have been waiting for the sci-fi indie action-packed game from Hello Games. Though they have been silent about the current progress, yet, there are reports wherein they hinted what the fans should expect for the upcoming gameplay.
It seems like both big companies, Sony and Microsoft, aren't been pleading to get No Man's Sky as their part of their exclusive game line-up. Both of these companies are complacent to the number of big titles waiting for their respective release dates leaving Hello Games' upcoming indie game to their final decision to which of them will be picked for the console release.
Anticipated to release this year, No Man's Sky may not be released in Xbox One platform. Microsoft made it no big deal since they have other exclusives - a strong lineup - waiting on their list. Xbox officials acknowledged the procedurally generated space exploration title and saw no problem if pursued as PS4 exclusive.
The latest game scoops revealed on 'No Man's Sky' release date is that Hello Games will be appearing at the prestigious Game Developer's Conference 2015 early March in San Francisco.
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