Tags: Sony

Sony Bought Jackson Estate’s Shares for $750 Million, Taking Over Catalogs Including The Beatles and Taylor Swift

The Michael Jackson estate lost its share in the joint venture with Sony Corp. when the music publisher bought Jackson’s share of 50 percent for $750 million. The transaction will wipe out the rest of Jackson’s $500 million debt he left when the artist died in 2009.

Michael Jackson’s Estate to Receive $750 Million From Sony for Music Catalog Share

Sony will pay $750 million to the Michael Jackson estate for its share in the music catalog. Once the deal is closed, the estate will be no longer in debt.

Revl Received $2 Million Seed Fund for Developing Shake-reduction Smartphone Camera

The San Francisco startup and smartphone maker Revl has been seed funded of $2 million by venture capitalist Bill Tai along with other investors like Frog Ventures, Y Combinator, Lars Rasmussen and James Lindenbaum.

InVisage introduces SparkP2 for IoT devices

InVisage unveiled SparkP2 for Internet of Things instruments. The SparkP2 has the potential to arrest 2-megapixel pictures and consumes less power than the traditional silicon cameras.

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Rumors are running down the vine as to when God of War 4 will be released and who will be the feature main character.
NASA and Sony continues their research for Virtual Reality. The project is called 'Mighty Morphenaut' that uses PSVR to train operators to control robots.
The second week of the 4-week long holiday sale is now ongoing! Let's see what deals are available this week!
Despite the rampant rumors, it seems as if the beloved PS2 game won't be seeing a return anytime soon.
While news of the game is scarce, it's apparently for a very good reason. Fans of the Tekken fighting games franchise are met with unsurprising disappointment after the PlayStation Experience 2015 came and went with a lack of news about the upcoming Tekken 7.
Sony is reportedly gearing up for the announcement of its new flagship, the Xperia Z6. It is rumored to be unveiled either in January or February next year.
PlayStation Store's present to us is a huge, 4-week long sale. Here's what you can expect for the first week of the sale.
Harmonix finally reveals the PS4 release of Amplitude, as well as its new soundtrack. Despite the multiple delays, developer Harmonix now finally revealed the PS4 release date of the PS2 cult classic, including thirty of its new tracks.
Nikon is rumored to adapt the Mirrorless technology of Samsung camera. Nikon is rumored to use the mirrorless technology of Samsung Electronics in its camera.
The voice cast, along with the game director of Uncharted 4 shall hold a panel in which they would reveal minor spoilers in the upcoming PlayStation Experience.
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